Dr. Axel Mitterer Akad. Mental Coach

Business economist and certified tennis instructor Dr. Axel Mitterer looks back on many years of experience as a business manager in the private sector as well as a lecturer at various universities. His activities as lecturer include lectures at the University for Sports in Salzburg/Rif (Universitäts- und Landessportzentrum Salzburg/Rif) on the subjects of leadership skills and personnel management, as well as at non-university courses of studies. Moreover, he is active in the fields of business and sports as a participant, trainer and coach.

He works together with top-ranking, professional athletes (participants in world cups and national leagues) of various sports with tennis as a primary focal point. The last two Austrians who have reached the top 100 in tennis have been working closely with Dr. Mitterer.

His motto:

“If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will always remain what you are now.”

Steffen Kirchner, Mentalcoach & Psychologischer Berater

Steffen Kirchner (Jahrgang 1981) ist einer der führenden deutschen Mentalcoaches im Hochleistungssport. Als Mentaltrainer betreute er bereits mehrere Top-Athleten und Teams, wie z.B. die Kölner Haie in der DEL oder auch die Deutsche Turner-Nationalmannschaft um die Stars Fabian Hambüchen und Marcel Nguyen bei ihrer Vorbereitung auf Olympia, sowie auch während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London. Das Team gewann dort überraschend drei sensationelle Silbermedaillen.

Sein Motto lautet:

„Du kannst mehr als Du glaubst, wenn Du verstehst, wer Du bist.“

(Deutsch) Tennispoint